tisdag 22 november 2011

the 'It'

It’s like walking barefoot in the grass,
falling into a pit of glass,
like fighting a pack of wolves,
like eating a newly baked cake,
like licking a snowflake off your lips,
like doing a belly-flop in the lake.

It’s when you decide to have a baby,
when you chose to abort it,
when you adopt a puppy,
and when you give it away.

It’s in the touch you need to complete the painting,
in the swing you make to force the golfball through the air.

It’s in the way the solders march forward,
the way they hold their rifles
and the way they celebrate.

It’s in the way the clouds cover the sun during the day
and the moon during the night.

It’s in the breath you take,
the move you make,
the chances you create
and the mistakes you taste.  

You’re forced to admit,
and will always be there
for as long as things keep breathing.

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